A fundamentally unserious proposal from somebody who should know better.
You can play this game at home if you'd like. You could try this in, say, a Congressional office, firing everyone and replacing them with new people all at once and see how quickly things get back up to speed.
When your party overlooked deficits and debt in service to the bad orange man? Not sure you can come back from that and be taken seriously. But advocating firing 2.6 million people in the middle of a pandemic? Explain to me how that helps, say, Operation Warp Speed.
Maybe it's a bit tongue-in-cheek, sure. The blog is lefty. Every administration results in turnover and changes. (Some administrations later than others... Ahem GSA...) But why respond this way?
I guess I come from a world of Congress that predated members unfiltered on Twitter, and I've met and like Chip. But I just don't get it. What's the point of this?
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