I wish people would stop acting like Japan has acted in any way like neighbors Korea and Taiwan.

It has not. Japan has been incredibly lucky. Lucky. LUCKY. By rights, given what I see when I go out (which is rare), our infection rates should be (probably are) much higher. https://twitter.com/EvanFeigenbaum/status/1331425172675588099
Japan has bungled itself into somehow managing not to have out of control spread. Even when it *actively tried to spread the virus* through the Go To Travel campaign.

Literally told people to leave cities and go spend money in rural areas--and take the virus with them.
And now we're talking about test runs of thousands of spectators in stadiums in order to prove we can still hold the Olympics.

Spoilers: we can't hold the damn Olympics. Cancel it.
Please @EvanFeigenbaum, draw the distinction. It's malpractice for someone of your level of expertise not to do so.
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