1. The escalating covid cases in Saskatoon are of great concern to me. I have been working with a range of groups to determine what targeted interventions will have the greatest impact in stopping the spread of covid, and what is in the power of the City to implement.
2. Any intervention needs to be driven by recommendations from health professionals and that is who I am in discussions with. I am also in discussions to explore the role that increased enforcement of covid-preventive practices can play.
3. Once I hear what health professionals think will be the most effective, I will be meeting with other sectors, including the business community, to propose a shared plan. This is of the utmost urgency and I am hoping to announce a plan publicly by the end of this week.
4. The Saskatchewan Health Authority has a list of Top 10 sources of community transmission. This is specific to community transmission and excludes households and "close contacts," which the SHA says are the most common source of infection.
5. It is important to understand how & where covid is being transmitted to identify interventions that will give us the results we need. We can’t become polarized or we will all lose. We must work together as a society – all sectors and all individuals – to stop the spread.
6. SHA's Top 10 community transmission venues

1) Recreation/recreational facilities (e.g., ice rinks, bingo halls, bowling alleys, casinos) — 25%

2) Gatherings (e.g., weddings, funerals, house parties, celebrations, break rooms) — 17%
7. 3) Group homes, shelters, outreach programs — 14%

4) Educational institutions (cases more likely in teachers/staff; in students, test positivity is higher in 14 to 19 year olds) — 8%

5) Food services establishments (cases more likely among co-workers) — 8%
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