how can a single amerikan communist be “anti-revisionist” in the united states? we ain’t even got a successful revolution to revise from.
we can publicly discuss about alleged “revisionism” in china, cuba, vietnam, the d.p.r.k. or whoever else once we effectively stop *our* country’s imperialistic predations against them & everyone else.

otherwise, we are being chauvinistic & arrogant if we talk publicly.
we can’t even get the masses to listen to our arguments.

it isn’t always the capitalist brainwashing, y’all. sometimes we use too much jargon when talking to folks [i am guilty of this too].
where is the amerikan communist movement in this fascistic corporate state? oh, we can’t even get the masses on our side.

there was *historic* turn out for two corporativist fascist candidates in a patently rigged electoral system—THAT IS A REFERENDUM ON US!

the amerikan left should be considered a laughing stock to the global left because of our utter failure under these conditions.
despite the mass covid deaths, despite our demonstrations of this system’s failure to address our basic needs, we have utterly failed to mobilize a *permanent* mass people’s coalition against the status quo.

the amerikan left should shut up about others until further notice.
the amerikan communist movement isn’t even a quarter of the way out the first stage of a multistage revolutionary process but we always talk like we are experts on what everyone else should do.

why do we have the audacity?
i totally understand why communists from other countries roll their eyes at us. i get why many don’t like us.

sure, we’ve become [radically] politicized but even as communists, we *never* ditch our amerikan arrogance.

so, we become softer imperialists with marxist jargon.
shoot...instead of publicly debating whether [insert country here] is socialist because of [some list of criteria based on all that good theory we read], we should be debating whether *we* ourselves are socialists based on [that same list of criteria we apply to everyone else].
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