Academics tend to dislike talking about money.

It destroys the narrative that we do all of this for love, and therefore we should give away our work for free.

But I get a lot of DMs about how much I charge for events and such. So here is a list. (thread)
Public talks:
This varies by institution (public or private) and whether or not there is travel involved (none now, obviously). But in general, the range is $500-$2,000.

Workshops for grad students on the job market, writing etc.:
$250-$500 per session.
Class visits via Zoom to talk about my book, or the book's topic:
No charge (especially right now). Because teachers and professors are working so hard right now, I'm happy to help.
Editorial work:

Looking over someone's Op-ed, pitch, or fellowship project description:
No charge.

Detailed comments/edits on an entire manuscript:
Depending on length, $250-500.

Detailed comments/edits on a book manuscript:
$1,000 (this is also what I pay my readers).
*EDIT: *article* manuscript.
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