no one interacts with me anymore and i’m bored, but here are 100 questions to answer with lots of fun/ unique ones <3
1. whats your zodiac sign?? do you feel like you fit the stereotypes of your zodiac sign??
2. which superpower would you NOT want to have and why??
3. would you ever move to a different country?? why or why not??
4. how do you keep yourself organized??
5. what is the name (or first initial) of your first best friend?? are you still friends?? why are why not??
6. is there a time period you would’ve rather lived in/or been born in instead of right now??
7. whats the most random fact you know??
8. how many playlists do you have??
9. at what age did you get your first phone??
10. does anyone else know your passwords??
11. what color looks the best on you??
12. what color looks the worst on you??
13. do any verified accounts follow you??
14. how many tweets do you have??
15. whats your favorite tradition (with family, friends, a sports team, anything!!)
16. do you have a skincare routine?? what does it consist of??
17. could you describe your favorite color without saying that color or any other colors??
18. do you think we all see color the same?? differently?? similar??
19. whats a question you want the answer to before you die??
20. what draws the line between professional and unprofessional??
21. whats a dumb question you’ve been scared to ask??
22. what is something about you that others would find surprising??
23. what club or activity have you been involved in the longest??
24. have you ever had a super natural experience??
25. whats your 3rd favorite reptile??
26. whats the most significant impact that covid has had on you specifically??
27. what was your favorite show as a child??
28. what age is your earliest memory from??
29. what are your thoughts on time changes??
30. what is a word that you thought meant something other than what it actually means??
31. favorite quote from a book??
32. what was your dream job 3 years ago??
33. where do you see yourself 6 months from now??
34. would you be scared to live alone??
35. whats the longest you’ve gone without sleep??
36. which social media platform do you think has the most control over us??
37. what is the first number that pops into your head when you read this??
38. who is the first person that pops into your head when you read this??
39. what were you thinking about before seeing this tweet/thread??
40. have you ever snuck out?? if not, would you be able to without getting caught??
41. whats the longest you’ve been away from home??
42. whats a word/phrase/expression that you don’t understand??
43. do you like your penmanship??
44. have you ever cut someone out of your life??
45. do you know what your first word was?? if not, do you know when you said it??
46. have you ever been to a wedding??
47. do you know how to drive??
48. who do you think is the most influential person in your country right now??
49. who do you think is the most influential person in the world right now??
50. do you have any memories associated with your favorite scent??
51. do you know how to cook??
52. what is the biggest flaw in the government??
53. have you ever written a letter??
54. have you ever done any weird social media challenges??
55. what age do most people mistake you for??
56. do you look your age??
57. whats the most expensive item you’ve lost??
58. whats a random phrase you know in another language??
59. what is something everyone said was just a phase, that ended up not being a phase for you??
60. did you go through any phases that actually were, just a phase??
61. how many apps do you have on the device you’re on right now??
62. what was your first job or what do you want your first job to be??
63. what is the most unsatisfying number??
64. are you a good liar??
65. do you sleep with a nightlight??
66. what is the deepest shower thought you’ve ever had??
67. what do you think the meaning of life is??
68. what are your thoughts on how much information there is about you on your social media?? does that scare you?? comfort you in a sense of having your memories documented??
69. what came first, the chicken or the egg??
70. do you swear?? what age did you start swearing??
71. what is your least favorite chore??
72. what is an old password of yours?? (think like your first password for an online gaming site or something, not a recent one that’s actually good and similar to any other password)
73. who is the last person you called?? how long was the call??
74. where was the last place you went (outside of your house)??
75. what live performance (any artist) sends chills down your spine??
76. what is one job/career you’ll never do??
77. do you have anyone’s phone number from outside your immediate family memorized??
78. how screwed would you be if someone went through your phone right this second without you changing anything, deleting anything, logging out of anything, etc.??
79. what book made you cry the most??
80. what movie made you cry the most??
81. what is something you can’t do that is either really simple or that you think everyone besides you can do??
82. do you know how to start a fire??
83. how would you rate your survival skills??
84. who is your favorite fictional character??
85. what fictional world would you most like to live in??
86. what was the best presentation/speech you’ve ever done??
87. how many unopened text messages do you have right now??
88. most embarrassing moment??
89. what has more of an impact on a person, nature or nurture??
90. would you ever delete your fan accounts?? why or why not??
91. compared to stan twitter/ the people you are following, are you older than most?? the same age?? younger??
92. what is your favorite line from a song??
93. what is your favorite poem??
94. what do you want as your first tattoo/what was your first tattoo?? if you don’t want any, why not??
95. have you done your homework for tonight?? if you’re not a student, have you completed your to do list for the day??
96. which constellations are you able to point out??
97. what is your favorite shirt and why??
98. what is something you wish someone would’ve said to you when you were younger??
99. are you the person to someone else, that you needed when you were younger??
100. what is a life lesson that you learned too late?? why should others pay attention to this??
101. last question!! about how many of these did you answer?? :))))
You can follow @x_kat_xox.
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