1) @JamesGField a few thoughts from LTP: 1) BNs get a free rep of MDMP while the BCT starts MDMP. I asked my coach a month ago if I I could help him teach. So he taught a step for 10-15 minutes. Then I spent an hour or 90 minutes giving my teach for each step.
2) after my 60-90 min of board drills on a step, say receipt of the mission, then we would all do it together. In total I taught my staff how I see receipt of the mission, IPB, MA, COA DEV and then COA analysis. I modeled it like MCCC bush hill order. Teach a step then do it
3) this free rep allowed the staff to understand my expectations for doctrinal inputs process and outputs as well as the added Strand “art” to each step. So my advice is for your BN cdr to do this for the staff.
4) I was in there doing MDMP with them. Showing them how to do it vs just showing up at the brief or to give guidance. It was a lot like me and our bronco team at NTC when a BCT staff asked for help.
5) each day at the end of the day we captured all PSOP updates and by the end of the LTP our PSOP was updated from our LTP changes. Best to do the updates at LTP vs wait and not do it after LTP
6) give a full IPB class to the whole staff. The whole staff needs to understand their role in IPB.
7) I spent 20 minutes individually with each staff OIC and NCOIC having them tell me what should be in their running estimate. I have some coaching on what to add and take out of their running estimate.
8) total time spent teach COA DEV and COA Analysis was 4 hours. All market board drills. I would try and do the same if you and your commander have the time and the coach allows you that time.
9) don’t focus on getting an OPORD during the first “free” rep of MDMP. just focus on making the staff better at the process. My coach let me do what I needed to do to train the staff. I hope yours does the same.
10) additional focus was timeline and how to build a HOPES-W timeline and who owns each line of the timeline.
11). We started each day at 0900. Ended at 2000. And we learned a lot along the way. Worth every minute. @JamesGField call me if you want to talk about it!
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