Ok it’s HERE the only two meals I plan on eating for the next month: a thread 👁👅👁
Sooooo the recommend amount of fiber a day is 25-30 grams and the recommended amount of protein changes from person to person but you should be getting at least 300cals from protein everyday. In my case I need 46 grams of protein:)
These food can be mixed and matched to make different meals or you can eat one item every few hours whenever you get hungry, whatever works best for you!
First thing I’d eat in the morning is 1 cup of cereal (no milk) and 1 cup of raspberries. This cereal is equal to 170cals and has 10 grams of fiber. The raspberries will equal to 65 cals with 8 grams of fiber. Breakfast topping off at 235cals and 18 grams of fiber :)
Now for a little snicky snack 🤪 after breakfast I’ll probs get hungry again around 10-11 (I wake up early give me a break) so I’ll eat a hard boiled egg with a lil bit of seasoning (salt, pepper whateva) 1 egg = 78cals and has 6 whole grams of protein 🤭
I skip lunch at work and go for a walk instead when the weather is nice 😋 so for a lunchtime snack I’ll eat an entire cup of edamame bc edamame SLAPS. 1 serving of edamame is 1/2cup which is 95cals and 9grams of protein so multiply those numbers x2 bc we ate a full cup remember
Ok ‘dinner’ time! Superrrr easy y’all get yourself a 3.5oz can of tuna and eat that shit. You can sacrifice a few calories to add in seasoning ya weirdo all it needs is less than a tbs of light Mayo (35cals) a tbs minced celery (like 2cals?) some lemon juice, salt and pepper ....
Hell even a squirt of mustard fuck it it’s your tuna salad 😎 the tuna alone with no additional seasonings is only 99cals and has a whopping 22grams of protein 👍🏻👍🏻 pair your tuna with some fuckin broccoli yo
100 grams of broccoli is 35cals and has 2.6 grams of fiber. Ok ok so you ate everything I mentioned in this thread?? Proper quantities and everything ? Congrats you just got your daily fiber and protein intake for the day in under 700cals (635 to be exact) proud of u hunny
Now go drink 2 liters of water and bask in high restriction glory 🙏🏻
@af_ckingidiot this one is for yOUU
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