Thread: I, like many other women AND my transwomen friends have watched the situation in Ireland with @AmnestyIreland and Teni with horror. Followed by the horrorof @HumzaYousaf and his Hate Bill which could criminalise women who dare to speak out of turn. 1/2
Previously transwomen and women rubbed along together, sharing spaces. What happened that NGOs and those in authority in these two countries feel they have to silence women and threaten us? 2/3
Here's what happened; Stonewall changed the definition of "Trans" + brought under the trans umbrella cross dressers, drag queens, anyone who *felt they were Trans. This coupled with self ID means anyone can say they are a Transwoman and share women's changing spaces, shelters.2/3
They could take jobs meant for women, represent women on committees etc.
But that was not all that changed.
Old time Trans people did not feel the need to take away the words "woman, mother etc" They did not force us to be called "cervix havers" " birthing bodies" etc.3/4
There was'nt the aggression, the threats from obvious males trying to force us to disbelieve the evidence of our eyes.
There was'nt the brainwashing of our children through Stonewall "education" that has led to many youngsters who may or may not be gay ending up on hormones 4/5
Already in Scotland there is a male bodied person in charge of a rape shelter. That should not have happened. Women are being told we should not insist on a biologically female nurse for internal exams. I hope @HumzaYousaf remembers that when his wife needs her smear test. 5/6
Now all this is apparently being done in the name of Trans people.. But is it? I have seen so many Trans people saying they do not want this and didnt ask for it.6/7
So why is it happening all over the world? I was looking at some Men's groups online, The National Coalition for men and many other Men's Rights Groups.
There are men who hate women and will do anything to "put them back where they belong"..7/8
The coincidence of the aims and tactics was startling;
Hold protests and Stop women's groups meeting without men ✓
The National Coalition for men did just that. Actually sued businesswomen for holding Women only events on the grounds it was "discrimination" ✓ 8/9
✓ Complain about single sex toi!ets..
The National Coalition for men did that when an airline opened a women only toilet.
✓Force women to share rape shelters
The National Coalition for men fought to defund rape shelters unless they admit men. 9/10
✓ Play the most discriminated against
✓ The National Coalition for Men say men are the most discriminated against group.
Sports: The National Coalition for men have objections to women playing sports. 10/11
Now there are many reasons some men hate women; many of these men had been divorced, or lost access to their children etc. Many feel feminism has gone too far and has deprived them of something.
There are also the Incels, Involuntary Celibates. Many of whom blame women for 11/12
The fact they have ended up celibate, they cannot get a date or get laid. They feel they have a right to sex and are angry. Some coerce women into it.
This again would seem to have its parallels in the trans movement as lesbians complain of sexual harassment. 12/13
So I was studying all these groups and at the same time puzzling over why the trans movement..apparently a tiny marginalised minority, had become so powerful with govs, NGOs, police etc onside.14/15
Because lets face it; the police are not known for their protection of marginalised minorities, quite the opposite in many cases. Yet they have gone all out..even to checking "your thinking"in the case of Harry The Owl. 15/16
I looked into the financial aspects. We know Stonewall gets money from governments. I did not know about the money coming from US billionaires + big pharma for "education" The Stryker family =..pharma + medical equipment.
Jennifer Pritzker =pharma.
+ the others. 16/17
Not only do these fund US Trans groups but Teni AND amnesty and planned parenthood get some funding from Arcus.
power corrupts, money corrupts. 17/18
My theory is...this is not about Trans Rights. This is about the usual .money..profit. Pharmaceutical companies are making big bucks from distressed youngsters. As are unscrupulous surgeons making money from changing @ScottNewgent can confirm.18/19
Pharma funds these groups who then spread the propaganda.. "You may be trans" medication is available. ...
Then come the women saying "hang on" this is dangerous" they need to be shut up.Govts then get the message that these bad women are hateful. 19/20
It is easier for govts to clamp down on women than it is to clamp down on big powerful pharmaceutical corporations and they don't want to seem to be picking on marginalised communities. 20/21
Here's the thing though..Are these demands really coming from Trans people or are they coming from men's rights groups who have infiltrated the LGBT movement?
As I said earlier many Trans people do not want all this +object to Self ID, the widening of the Trans umbrella 21/22
Another aspect is the hatred+ threats towards women. I know tbat men's rights movements were grooming young incel men online through Gamergate, 4 chan etc. to believe that feminists were the cause of their problems. "Foids" or "Terfs". Hence the threats from "anime" bios.22/23
We need to take these eents seriously, work out what to do. We cannot have a situation where women are living in fear of losing jobs, getting taken to court etc for "wrongthink" where women are not allowed to voiceour fears.
In the end, treating women like this will do more harm to the Trans cause, as instead of acceptance there will be resentment. When people are cowed +coerced they learn to despise.
Maybe that too is part of the plan as men's rights movements often hate trans people too. Think!
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