THREAD: A summary of what we just heard from the L.A. County Department of Public Health.
1) They have no data/numbers tying outdoor dining to surge in cases in LA.
2) They based decision off a national CDC study that didn't discern indoor/outdoor dining - "best info we have".
DPH was repeatedly pressed by Board members Barger & Hahn as to what science/data they have to justify this order. Dr. Ferrer deferred to Dr. Muntu Davis, who pointed to the CDC study. Neither were able to provide a shred of their own data, after 8 months of this pandemic.
These public health officials make hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. They are paying two PR firms millions of dollars to guide their messaging. It is unfathomable that once again, knowing they would be asked bout this, Dr. Ferrer deferred, and had no data to back her up.
Supervisor's Barger & Hahn made the case that this order to close outdoor dining is completely arbitrary, punitive, and not backed by any data. Supervisors Kuehl & Solis disagree, they support the move, citing surge of case numbers in LA. Board is now in closed session discussing
BREAKING: L.A. County Board of Supervisors motion to overturn the Health Department's decision to restrict outdoor dining FAILS by a vote of 3-2. Sheila Kuehl, Mark Ridley Thomas, & Hilda Solis vote to keep the restriction. Kathryn Barger & Janice Hahn voted against it. @FOXLA
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