A thread on Cold Wars Class Issues:

So one things that's been interesting to watch over the last 10 years of COD is seeing Create a Class go from uniform classes that make sure everyone
has an even playing field (1 Primary 1 Secondary Limited Attachments a lethal and a tactical)
To the Pick 10 system in BO2, Which the following
games built off of until WW2 where we went back to standard classes and now in Cold War we have this weird mix of both systems that doesn't really work in a balanced way because of Perk Greed.
With Pick 10 you had to sacrifice to get 6 perks, You could only run a single gun with no attachments and no equipment just to get 6 perks but now in
Cold War you can have 6 perks, a lethal, a tactical, a primary with 5 attachments and a secondary with 5 attachments.
The only sacrifice is a different wild card but no wildcard is as strong as 6 perks, Danger Close for 2 nades? Gunfighter for even more attachments? Law Breaker to pick perks from multiple categories but still only having 3? None are as good.
Perk Greed literally lets you nullify Danger Close, Two grenades and two stuns is worthless when everyone can run Flak Jacket and Tac Mask, No need for more ammo on spawn when you can equip Scavenger, Launcher Camos are also near impossible cause you get two red perks.
I don't think they're gonna change the wildcard now that the game is out so hopefully the next COD either gets rid of this entirely or at least makes you lose something for
6 perks.

Anyways end of thread just wanted to vent about this. ❤
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