⚠️ neurodivergent peer support/education 🧠

hi! i’m MJ and neurodiversity is one of my special interests. my DMs are open to the public to take (anonymous) questions you have ab ADHD/autism!

i will screenshot your DM and share it in a thread for public access + conversation!
even if there aren’t any resources i can personally think of for your experience/curiosity, there are tons of neurodivergent ppl on twitter that can answer your question or give you some insight!

(pls note i can’t/won’t “diagnose” ppl)
i believe it’s important for ND people to collectively discuss their experiences. with that being said, this thread will be 100% pro-self dx and in favor of neurodivergent self-advocacy + trauma-informed mental health.
my embodied knowledge comes from being someone who suspected they were ADHD in 2015, experienced psychiatric abuse/overmedication as an unsuspected autistic, and am only now in recovery from that part of my life.
i want neurodivergents to feel empowered and feel supported if they seek barriers in treatment + recognition. we deserve better
You can follow @gayvillager.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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