1/x Some see Twitter as risky with an asymmetric (downside) payoff esp for someone ‘like me’. There are tons of people whose life was negatively impacted by their behavior on social media, but...

Let’s talk about the benefits of being an allocator on here. A thread.
2/x First, I respect risk arguments but think them shortsighted. Being respectful of differences and of others’ right to their view, thick skinned, + a lil empathic / EQ-y will keep you out of most trouble. Knowing when to 🙊 helps with the rest.
3/x there are billions of social media logins daily w/out incident, ones without negative impact to ppl & orgs they belong to. Though Fintwit is somewhat unique: the world is a big place, but our industry really is not.
4/x jumping right in. Twitter has given me a differentiated network. At first blush it's weird bc the flatness of it means you see billionaires arguing with anon parody accounts. But as you plug in it's an expert network and info rich in the right places
5/x (sorry, was on a call)

and it’s crazy bc people will share their information just to be helpful. In the past, I’ve avoided the loss of millions of dollars in the past thanks to reference and due diligence checks done via ppl I originally met on Twitter
6/x I have also sourced, recommended, and committed capital to top decile GPs, thanks to Twitter (😉)
7/x I’ve made lifelong friends in the biz ( #shakeandbake #alloc8rZ) & other sectors (many of whom have collectively donated generously to my orgs & causes, something I’m grateful for and humbled by). Best of all I found other strong, badA ladies who are changing the world
8/ I realize that reply people have made me a better debater, and 240 limit has made me a better writer. I still think BTC is magical Internet money, but shout out to the smart ppl who answered my dumb Qs bc I get it now.

I’m even dating a DM slide 😎
9/x I have been asked to sit on stages I have no business sitting on and talk to people who I’ve looked up to since my analyst days. I’ve benefitted from this platform—both publicly & via DMs and irl friendships. I realize that net, it’s been a huge competitive advantage
10/x and seriously how great is @jposhaughnessy.

It’s not enough to be a celebrated investor, author & entrepreneur...he also has to be a good human who gives his time freely, intros interesting people to each other, champions many of us, is funny, & gifs
11/x to close, I’m grateful for y’all, and for this weird little corner of the universe and the impact it’s had on me and the institutions I’ve had the honor to serve.

So thank you #fintwit (and all adjacent groups, even crypto Twitter)

You can follow @ROIChristie.
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