Liberal politicians, nonprofit executives, high profile professional activists, and other would-be "leaders" have all spent the past 6 months trying to attach their own ropes to an organic rebellion against systemic white supremacy.
This summer we identified them as swoopers.
Whether they seek to leash "the movement" and lead it along behind them, or simply tie it down, the fundamental goal is always control.
Sometimes such "leaders" mistakenly believe their attempts at control are for the good of "the movement", that people need to someone to follow.
Sometimes, they just want to defang, disempower, and ultimately defeat any resistance in the streets.

They want a movement that is tame and obedient, and they will only accept resistance so long as it can be controlled.

Fuck that.
We, along with thousands of others, have sought to cut the ropes and leashes fashioned by the so-called leadership.

We've sought to set free rebellion that is wild and dangerous.

White supremacy will never surrender peacefully, and the liberals want us to surrender instead.
Swoopers have a mindset of control, and this is important to understand.

When people resist their attempts at control, they see that resistance as simply an opposing attempt at controlling the momentum of rebellion, just for a different purpose.

They couldn't be more wrong.
The swoopers believe everyone has the same motives as themselves. They can only imagine that we fight their control in order to establish control of our own.

Trapped in this mindset of control, they become utterly incapable of understanding that we reject control itself.
This summer's rebellion began with mass looting and the burning of the 3rd Precinct when the state murdered George Floyd.

It has always been against capitalism and state power, and liberals will always try to erase that from history.
To them, history is another means of control.
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