small thread that I think is important:
Let me start by saying I'm so glad to see so many of you excited about what our plans are in OSRS, and I'm so excited to try my hardest to be able to deliver loads of events for all of the players

BUT, I wanted to talk about something
that's been bothering me lately. I've only been at Method for around 2 months, and there's already so much I'd love to talk about, but can't because I'm not sure if it'll 100% happen. There's also likely going to be stuff I want to do with my whole heart, but we just don't have
the resources for. More than anything my point here is that you being excited for us to hopefully deliver some events/tournaments/content should *not* (in my opinion) coincide with some of the hate being directed at some Jagex staff. I'm not here to shill or to whiteknight.
But please know that certain things may fall through for all kinds of reasons, and none of us are privy to the day-to-day workings of somebody else. Even though some of y'all might write one tweet that's 'just a joke', when your daily life is hundreds upon hundreds of 'jokes'
all targeted at you, it stops being funny and starts becoming harassment.

I'm excited to work with so many of you, with our streamers, and with the rest of the Method staff for as long as you'll all have me, but please remember now more than ever how important it is to be
kind to each other. There's never been a time like now, where being able to connect from a distance matters so much. When you hop online to flame or take the piss out of certain decisions, remember there's an actual human being on the other end, going through just as much as you
tldr: i'm glad you're excited, please be excited! but don't use it as an opportunity to direct hate at anybody else, could use a lot more positivity rn
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