You'd be amazed how many parts of the world aren't exactly thrilled with phrases like "America is back"

Frankly, the United States scares the shit out of everybody.
We were scared shitless of Tr*mp getting everyone nuked when Kim Jong-Un upset him. People who were drone bombed were scared of Ob*m*. Iraq and Afghanistan are still terrified in the aftermath of the B*sh dynasty, and Cl*nton. R*agan's joke nearly kicked off WWIII.

You scare us.
You know what's really nuts?

With regimes like Russia and China out there, I was *still* more unnerved about the US. Putin? Evil-minded but even-tempered. Jinping? Similar, and hampered from power by committees.

There are dictatorships less frightening than US elected leaders.
To the point where even writing this, I don't blank out the dictators' names in this thread, but the names of elected US presidents.

Because it's their supporters I have to worry about. I've been watching B*den supporters, and a lot of them really lack empathy.

You scare us.
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