Imagine what the world be like if more people saw safety as a right rather than a privilege.
Most of the issues that we continue to be divided over are just disagreements about who deserves to be safe and cared for.
Under capitalism, safety and care are privatized, taxed, and/or paid out based on class status rather than need.
It would be super dope if safety and care were baseline guaranteed based on one's mere existence. Instead, we live under a system that monetizes health, happiness, and the pursuit of liberty.
This is why I still struggle with people who believe capitalism will save us or ever serve us. It just isn't made to do that.
The global pandemic has shown us how private industry and the constant seeking of profit has steadily decreased the quality of life for so many people. When companies had to stop forcing us to be units of labor, they did it. And, we're better and safer for it.
Exploiting people is a choice.

Denying people access to rest and care is a choice.

All of the structural barriers we face to accessing life-sustaining and life-preserving resources and care is intentional.
I believe a world where people matter more than profit margins is possible.
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