— a very needed thread;
“You are not a burden. Moas are so precious! there are other moas cheering for you. Don't give up, be happy, we love you ♥️” — Choi Yeonjun
“You know, nobody in the world is not important. I want you to know that you are so precious to me, as you think of me!” — Choi Soobin
“Depression is nothing to be ashamed of. Please don't bury yourself with negative thoughts before sleeping. Think of the moments of happiness. Give yourself who has worked hard for the day a pat on the back ♥️” — Choi Beomgyu
“It's okay to cry. It's okay if you don't hold it in. It's okay not be good sometimes. I am cheering on you ♥️” - Kang Taehyun
“You can do it!! do your best ♡♡♡♡💗💗💗or take a break a little bit:)” - HueningKai
“I don't know your name or what you look like but i'm sure that the moa who wrote this is a precious person so please don't lower your self esteem. I'll raise it higher for you” — Choi Yeonjun
"I believe that if you don't see the results of your hardwork right away, no matter what road you walk, they will eventually come back to you. You've worked so hard today too! Everyone please live brightly and energetically!” - Choi Soobin
“When you face difficulties and when you're tired, just laugh. By doing so the burden will feel lighter... and by doing that (just laughing) you'll feel relieved and felt better ♥️” — Choi Beomgyu
“Result is something that is in the far future. This is why I hope that the process of getting to the result is filled with happiness. Let's all be happy and see each other for a long time” — Kang Taehyum
“It's okay to be different. Just do your best and be confident. Don't stop dreaming and show the world what you've got ♥️” — HueningKai
"I thought that it would be a more valuable life if we give meaning to each day and make the days special ♥️” — Choi Yeonjun
“I'm sorry and good luck ♥️ don't cry. It hurts me if you do, ma darling...” — Choi Yeonjun
“I know sometimes MOA will have moments you want to give up but its often just a moment and think that « if i stick out, something better will turn up » and keep at it ♥️” — Choi Beomgyu
“Things that MOAs dreamed of will come true ♥️” — Choi Beomgyu
“All the difficulties will dissapear! 💕” — Choi Beomgyu
“You're sad cause you messed up your exam? you messed up your exam, it's not like you messed up your life... it's okay 💕” — Choi Soobin
“If you're having a hard time, don't hold it in 🥺 it's okay to cry ♥️” — Choi Soobin
“Don't give up! cheer yourself on and talk to someone ♥️” — HueningKai
“Have a goal. If there's no purpose then there's nothing to achieve in life ♥️” — HueningKai
“If you weren't really talented, you wouldn't have been number one. I hope you're confident enough and have fun! 💕” — Kang Taehyun
“It's okay~~ did your life got ruined/failed? you just failed an exam~ ☺️♥️” — Kang Taehyun
“You're born to the world and you're a precious one but I hope you put first priority on your happiness 💗” — Kang Taehyun
“If you feel stressed out, just stay true to your emotions. Smile when you want to smile, and cry when you want to cry. Then everything will be better. I also think it's best to talk to it over with someone. If you feel shy, you can still share your thoughts with them++
++ just do it slowly” — HueningKai
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