We’re planning to relaunch Twitter’s verification policy and application process in early 2021. Our goal is to bring clarity to what verification on Twitter means, the criteria we’ll use for assessing verification, and how to apply. https://twitter.com/TwitterSupport/status/1331297290053705729
As a lead-up to that, today we’re sharing a draft of an updated Verification policy for feedback in hopes that you all can help shape it #TwitterPolicyFeedback. The public feedback period starts today and continues until December 8, 2020 https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/company/2020/help-us-shape-our-new-approach-to-verification.html
If you’re wondering why you haven’t heard from us on the subject of Verification in a while, here’s some historical context. We are excited and eager to *unpause* this work-- and relaunching the blue verification badge is just the beginning. https://twitter.com/kayvz/status/1019336825049997312?s=20
Beyond the blue verified badge, we’re also working on providing new ways for accounts on Twitter to identify themselves through their profiles, such as new account types and labels 👀. Stay tuned for more on that in the coming weeks.
You can follow @kayvz.
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