This is disappointing honestly.
I know that the GRAMMYs are often the bar but I want to preface my critique by saying to Black artists that regardless of the genre(s) of music you take up in your craft, these institutions steeped in whiteness need not be the bar to which you measure your talent or success.
Now with regards to the 'Best Reggae Album' category, Jamaican music and music from the Caribbean as a whole, there’s a clear disconnect that reveals itself often between consumers, what’s happening on the ground and what makes it to the stage.
This is in no way, shape or form a gesture that seeks to diminish the talent of the nominee but also (1) what do we say to dancehall acts who create bodies of work who essentially have no category (MAYBE pop) to even be a candidate for? (2) what do we say to emerging artists
who are on the frontiers of expanding the sonic palette of reggae without abandoning those sensibilities? and (3) what happens when you’re an artist from the region who chooses to create music outside of the most dominant and visible genre?
I just want for these institutions that claim to be championing these genres to either admit that they don’t care or do the work that they say they are.
I’m sorry but in 2018 and 2020 Popcaan gave us full projects that not only propelled the sonic composition of dancehall but continued to do the work of exposing dancehall to new and global audiences. Where does an artist like him fit into the picture?
There’s like so many sub-categories afforded to other genres and so many new categories created that are responsive to the ever changing nature of music and it’s creation and Caribbean artists are still being left behind and out of these conversations.
Where are the women on that list? lmao. Women don’t make reggae? 🌚
Protoje gave us "In Search of Lost Time" and that project not receiving a nomination really let’s me know that y’all are not paying attention.
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