Thread! Since my tweet hating on Thanksgiving hit a nerve, I’ve decided to rank all the major U.S. holidays from best to worst, in my personal opinion.

1. Halloween. 🎃The best holidays are days where the normal rules are suspended, the normal social order upended.
On Halloween we explore our inner darkness, we allow ourselves to think about death, we dress up as other people. Also: candy.

2. New Year’s Eve. 🥳 A time of renewal and change but also hedonism and staying up late and sparkles and kissing.

3. Christmas. 🎄We need feasting
And celebration during the darkest time of the year. The tree part is pretty cool. I personally enjoy exchanging gifts even though it can easily feel overly consumerist.

4. Valentines Day. 💝Pink! And I really deeply love those chalky hearts. Works best as a kids’ holiday.
5. Easter. 🐣This can feel very Christian to me (I am not a Christian) but some remaining pagan elements and the supernatural bunny concept are good and kids like it.

6. MLK day. ⭐️ I was also born on Jan 15, so this is usually around my birthday. Worthy honoree.
7. Labor Day. 🪧We should move this to May 1 like so many other countries and celebrate it properly with rowdy street parades! As it stands, mostly a camping weekend.

8. Veterans Day/Memorial Day. 🎖I have mixed and complicated feelings about how we honor vets.
9. St. Patrick’s Day/ Cinco de Mayo. ☘️/🇲🇽We should have lots of fun days celebrating the many cultures that make up our society but in practice these are just drinking holidays that sometimes include stereotyping the very cultures they are notionally celebrating.
10. Thanksgiving. 🦃 Emphasizes one out-of-context historical story to make white people feel better about colonialism. Dull. Often very gendered. This holiday does not upend or suspend the normal social order, it sanctifies it. Even the food never changes.
11. Fourth of July. 🇺🇸 Just too nationalistic for me. Also I feel sorry for all the dogs freaking out over the fireworks.

12. Presidents’ Day. 😐 Boooring. Can we replace with a less guilt-ridden, more hippie party version of Earth Day?

And there you have it!
Growing up, my very understated single mother was not at all into holidays, which she found corny. She never let us put up construction paper pumpkins or anything. She particularly hated the expectation that she serve a big lavish meal at thanksgiving.
But I think we need rituals and feast days and ways to mark the turning of the year. I just think our current schedule of holidays is less than ideal. It needs work. I hope you can find some joy reimagining winter holidays for the pandemic. Stay safe & make these days your own!
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