fall and winter are times of rest. if the moon influences emotions, surely the sun influences energy. your lack of ability to produce work all winter long isn't simply "seasonal depression," but rather representative of your place under the heat of the sun.
here's the thing: the sun gives you those good energy hormones. in the spring and summer, the sun is right above your head at noon. look today. noon isn't directly above you--it's south. it goes up and down in the southern part of the sky because we're shifted away from it.
thus, we produce significantly less serotonin (good + energy hormones) and more melatonin (sleepy hormones) when the days are shorter ie darker.
this spring and summer, i put my body to work. gardening every day, running, swimming, lifting, sweating, singing, walking, digging, building, burning, etc. This fall and winter, i let my body rest. i take naps. i eat lots of animal fats and huge squash. i read and take walks...
this cycle is what i'm born to follow. i need to rest and think now so i can get back to hard work/ movement in the spring. we're big animals. we put on healthy weight/fat when it's cold. we sleep a lot when it's cold and dark (bears literally sleep all winter!).
don't put yourself down for not hitting the same work/movement goals in the winter. in the summer you're producing energy from 6 am to 9 pm (regional of course) but now its like 8 am to 4 pm. your body isn't made to work 9-5 all year long.
take those naps, take those breaks, do your stretches and light workouts. most importantly, get up with the sun and sleep with the moon!! i promise that's the sleep for which your body longs.
and always remember that colonialism and capitalism sever the people from the Land. the animals still follow the sun and the moon when they sleep. labor and capitalist technology insist we follow linear time and refuse our right to sleep and rest.
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