Conversion therapy is a homophobic and transphobic practice that treats sexual orientation and gender identity as disorders in need of fixing.

It has been widely denounced by the medical community. It stigmatizes and traumatizes LGBTQ youth.

(Mike Pence loves it, by the way.)
The 3d Circuit has already upheld New Jersey's conversion therapy ban, saying it doesn't violate First Amendment. (SCOTUS refused to take the case.)

The 9th Cir. upheld California's conversion therapy ban. (Again SCOTUS refused.)

But here comes the 11th Circuit like an asshole:
So now there's a circuit split!

(If you listen to #BoomLawyered, you know how much I love a good circuit split. But not in this instance though. This is a bad circuit split.)

"WTF is a circuit split?" you may be asking. Gather round yon children:
Generally, the Supreme Court likes the law of the land to be unified.

If the 3rd and 9th Circuits say that conversion therapy bans DON'T violate the free speech rights of therapists and the 11th Circuit just ruled the opposite, SCOTUS needs to weigh in to "resolve the split."
That this Supreme Court will likely resolve a circuit split involving conversion therapy bans and conservative Christians' weaponization of the First Amendment against LGBTQ people?

With Justice Kingdom of God and Justice Kegstand on the bench?

Well that's fucking terrifying.
But here's where it gets SUPER fucked up.

You should sit down.
Conservative Christians think that it's a free speech violation to ban therapists from talking about conversion therapy to minors.

But they think that it's NOT a free speech violation to force abortion doctors to read state mandated anti-abortion scripts to pregnant patients.
Point of Order: The 11th Circuit ruling is on a preliminary injunciton. So we still have to go through the merits phase.

But I don't imagine that the 11th Circuit will rule differently.

And I do suspect this will end up before the Supreme Court.

I jumped the gun. But did I?
Well, yes, I did.

But the circuit split is coming. LOL. The 11th Circuit is way Trumpified and they've tipped their hand.

Anyway, this sucks.

Elections have consequences. Courts matter.
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