Who will govern you? Will it be...

A) an unelected elite American "Deep State";

B) an unelected elite GLOBAL "Deep State";


C) a government OF the people, BY the people, FOR the people?
2) While we Americans have been laboring under the delusion that we elect our officials and they represent our interests—in reality our elections have been charades, and politicians have so rarely fulfilled their campaign promises that it was shocking when Trump actually did so.
3) This is maddening enough—but not as bad as the GLOBAL Deep State that aims to take the reigns from the US Deep State.

If you dislike being ruled by unelected elites who lie to you, you'll REALLY hate it when they're foreign and thousands of miles away. Especially since...
4) the GLOBAL Deep State plans to start severely limiting our individual rights & freedoms, & removing USA as leading superpower.

AKA—the "Great Reset."

While the media claims it's a conspiracy theory, they put out ads announcing their intentions. WATCH:
6) Why Biden/Harris?

The Great Reset plan that touts COVID as an "opportunity" to finally radically alter the global economy & power structure like they've always wanted (with America DOMINATED), is where the phrase "build back better" comes from.

Biden's slogan = Great Reset.
7) Biden is a puppet. HARRIS is the one to watch.

Harris is friends w/ Obama since college.

Obama weakened US sovereignty:
-shrink military
-divide by race
-deploy Marxist critical race theory
-destroy confidence in law enforcement
-import refugees
-$$$ to Iran
-catch & release
8) If you think the US Deep State is mostly Democrat, you're wrong. It may even be mostly Republican.

Some Republicans are even involved in the GLOBAL Deep State. Probably depends on who they think will win out.

Klaus Schwab has been promoting "young global leaders" since 2004.
9) Bloomberg & friends use "climate change that's going to kill us all by 2050" as an excuse to stay coupled with China & go with strong global governance.

Gates uses COVID as an excuse. See China epidemiologist say "obey orders and follow instructions":
10) Regardless of the excuse given, they will ALL expect you to:
-give up free speech
-give up guns
-give up meat
-give up cars
-give up single family homes
-give up your small business
-give up church
-give up part of your income for "equity"
-get vaccinated with mRNA & tracked
11) THIS is Trump's fight. To stop any Deep State, foreign or domestic, from stealing our rights & freedoms & subjecting us to tyranny.

Any politician who isn't supporting Trump is supporting one of these two entities.



God Bless USA
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