THREAD: America as Dunder-Mifflin
Donald Trump: Michael Scott at the shareholder's meeting

Knows how to work the crowd, promises solutions gets everyone to turn on those in power. Once off the stage, his team asks why he would say things he can't back up.
Rudy Guiliani: Todd Packer.

Travels around working for the boss. Crass personality. The only person who likes him and takes him seriously is the president.
Mike Pompeo: Dwight Schrute

Loyalist to the boss. Sucks up in hopes of taking his job someday.
Anthony Scarramuchi: Martin Nash

Off the job within days of starting.
Don Trump Jr: Andy Bernard

Grew up very rich and entitled. With few qualifications, feels like he is next in line to be in charge.
Joe Biden: DeAngelo Vickers

New boss in charge. Trying to prove he's still young and strong, makes himself look worse. Not in charge long before a minority takes his job.
Jerome Powell: David Wallace

Quietly has power over the boss. Consistently delivering news that the boss doesn't like.
Jim Acosta: Toby Flenderson

Absolutely despised by the boss and his subordinates because of the field he works in.
Hunter Biden: Ryan Howard

An overall sketchy guy who ascended to unqualified positions for unknown reasons. Later got in computer-related trouble and has been known to use drugs.
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