fictional characters with different kinds of eds <3
~ blair waldorf | bulimia
first shown in the thanksgiving episode β€œblair must pie” she had relapsed after thanksgiving dinner.
~ marley rose | bulimia - anorexia
in glee, quinn taught her how to binge and purge, she taught her how to skip lunch and she did, since she didn’t want to get her mother β€œfat genes”.
~ quinn fabray | bulimia - anorexia
it was never confirmed, but with no doubt did she not have it if she forced it on Marley Rose.
cassie ainsworth | anorexia - fasting
i haven’t yet watched skins, but i know she went to a camp to get better, she never did though.
~ cher horowitz | anorexia
again, it was never confirmed, but in clueless she claimed how much she had eaten which wasn’t really much and said it was a lot and that she β€œneeded to excersize”, the clueless theme song also included phrases about fasting.
~ regina george | anorexia
in Mean Girls she was obsessed with losing weight to the point that she asks people around her about the nutrition value of what she eats, eventually resorting to eating nothing but diet bars because she is told they’ll help her lose weight.
~ jackie burkhart | binge eating disorder | anorexia
it wasn’t confirmed in that 70’s show that she was anorexic, but she got asked what she liked to do best and she said dieting wtf, anyways all she cared about was being thin, she did start binging once but stopped.
end of thread!! like for more πŸ’ž
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