How Marvels Avengers should do their Next Gen upgrade (Relaunch)
a thread:
As we all probably know this game is in a really bad place, it seems to be climbing back up with the Kate Bishop DLC. with that said there is no way Kate will bring back players as her operation will be short and add SOME new missions that will eventually get boring quickly.
Next Gen version of this game has been delayed which is really good and I hope its not just a remaster with better graphics, performance and less bugs. instead this next gen should be the perfect opportunity for this game to do a relaunch that brings the game back to life 1/2
This thread that I'm making now is just few key points and aspect and even minor details that I'm suggesting for Next gen. BE AWARE English isn't my first language so bare with me. with that being said, get ready to read. 2/2

Not much to talk about here but what I wanna see in graphics is obviously Ray Tracing, sharper looking, and more color. Marvels Avengers gameplay wise is already amazing and doesn't need that much improvement to the core gameplay, it just needs personality.
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