This is a deep, almost surreal misunderstanding of our nation
I think it'd rock to see him dragged out the front door, yelling and snotty-crying. Perfect ending.

But if you reeeallly want spoil that fun, send in someone with a tranq dart gun, bang SLEEP, cart him out back in a laundry bin. He wakes up in Mar-A-Lago covered in subpoenas.
THIS nation doesn't want an undignified ending?
[Morpheus holds out two pills to Trump] You take the blue pill - the story ends, you're Stan Chera. You take the red pill - you stay in wonderland and you're dragged off like Jerry Lundegaard.
The reaction to this idea the Boston Globe farted out shows that it's actually important to the nation to not take Trump's feelings into account AT ALL. Like, it's vital to do the *opposite* of that if we're gonna to approach anything resembling an actual democracy.
To borrow a phrase: Fuck Your Feelings.

(OK, Fuck Your Feelings SIR)
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