Debunking misinformation spread by truscum by someone who is transitioning and doesn’t have dysphoria (small thread)
1. Starting hormones will give you dysphoria
I can tell you right now this is BS. I am on testosterone right now and I’ve felt nothing but euphoria for the amount of time I’ve been on T.
2. You need gender dysphoria to be trans
The DSM-5 states that gender dysphoria is not needed to medically transition
The definition of gender dysphoria is clinical distress over one’s agab, which is an entirely separate thing from incongruence or euphoria
3. Detransitioning is bad
No it isn’t. Detransitioning is literally just deciding that your gender identity wasn’t for you.
4. “Transtrenders”, xenogenders, and neopronouns are the reason trans people aren’t taken seriously
Transphobia is the reason why trans people are not taken seriously. If my 50 year old dad, my therapist, my gender therapist, and my endocrinologist can respect neopronouns, xenogenders, and nondysphorics then so can you
Gonna finish this thread later I’m sleepy
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