
THE BIGGEST SHIFT in Washington in January won’t only be that Democrats are taking the White House. It will be that the BIDEN administration will be -- as @BrendanBuck pointed out -- “delightfully boring.”

@harrispolitico calls it “Joe Biden’s Team of Careerists.”
THIS IS AN ADMIN filled with people who have deep experience in government and in the agencies they will be running. THE POST puts it this way: “By design, they seem meant to project a dutiful competence, as Biden creates a government overseen by those who have run it before.”
THEY BELIEVE IN A LINEAR , plodding, purposeful and standard policy process. Impulsive policymaking and widespread leaks from competing factions in the administration are probably over.
EXPECT INTERVIEWS with JOE BIDEN to be a big deal -- meaning, they won’t happen that often, which gives them an extra oomph. We’ll complain, and they won’t care. (His interview with @LesterHoltNBC HOLT on NBC will air tonight.)
We can’t imagine he’ll pop into the briefing room with regularity, or tweet his emotions, thoughts or decision-making process. SAPs -- statements of administration policy -- will, again, be a big deal, because it will be how you know what the admin is thinking on legislation
You probably won't get conflicting signals from the White House about whether the president will sign a bill. If he works on it, and is a party to the agreement, he probably won't veto it at the last minute.
THIS ADMINISTRATION will be of the Georgetown dinner variety. A return to briefing books and policymaking by political professionals who aren’t likely to try to burn down the White House over petty disagreements and jockeying to get in the good graces of the president.
IT IS UNLIKELY TO BE an administration that has aides rushing to get on TV to praise the president. In fact, you probably will rarely see many of these Cabinet officials.
IN OTHER WORDS, if the TRUMP White House was like downing a vat of Tabasco sauce over the past four years, the BIDEN White House will be like sipping unflavored almond milk.
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