So we’re a few weeks past the election and starting to move away from the emotionally abusive “relationship” we’ve all lived through for the past four years. I’m noticing some of the anger, sadness, and fear we’ve had to repress for so long, start to bubble up.
It’s a normal part of leaving an abusive relationship. It feels like the pressure is starting to lift and we can finally say how much this hurts. And it’s easy to get swept up in those emotions. I’ve been there many times.
The danger is when we don’t realize what’s happening and that fear, anger, and sadness starts to bubble up and shoot out at others. Something I’ve also been through and done many times.
All this to say, please remember to be gentle with each other. Most of us are processing four years (or a lifetime) of pain and it might get a little messy.
You can follow @jennferatu.
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