PV Family,

I'm sure by now you've been forwarded the article where @AVFCOfficial fans have been reported for hate crimes a total of 13 times

Not a record we wanted but what can we learn from this?

@AVFCOfficial & @AVFCFoundation have been on the forefront of...
... Making VP a place where all people can come together, the work that they are doing is amazing, we can vouch for them.

However the work doesn't stop, it cannot stop because its articles like this that kills our club, it's this that will drive us further apart...
... We all need to take responsibility for eachother and if we love our club we need to see each other as family

Higher stats doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing, maybe it shows our fans have more courage to actually report incidents?....
... Football has changed now, its a place where all types of people attend to have the experience of a lifetime.

No one should feel nervous or on edge at any football ground around the country

How do we change?

How do we fix this?

How do we change the mentality of match day?
... We change it by continuing to report incidents, by holding people accountable, by having major punishments, educating one another, opening our minds to embrace change

We cannot give up or lose heart

Contact us for suggestions to help solve this, PV....
... Work very closely with the club and we can suggest processes to put in place for all people

We represent ALL PEOPLE

Let's turn this news into something positive, let's work better together and get change made in our mighty club

Let's lead the way

Like we always do

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