Short thread on mantras and why their translation into other languages will not work (especially into English and other European languages)

The question is asked “We can’t understand Sanskrit mantras, why not translate into English and listen to the meaning instead of chanting?”
Before one comes to the answers, let me ask a few questions which I asked myself:
Q1: Did you the chanter see the mantra or did someone else?
Q2: What is the quality and power of the Sanskrit language? Does it have any advantages?
Q3: are mantras/ deities visible to naked eye?
Let’s answer Q1 which I asked of myself first?
Ans1: Each mantra is seen by someone pracheen being: this could be a Rishi or a Devata or someone else:
For example, Bhairava the Devata is mantra drsta for a lot of mantras...
Vasistha/Vishwamitra/Markandeya are all great Rishis
The next question is about Sanskrit itself.
Ever thought about why this language is called Devanagari?
Literally “Language of the Gods”
It does not matter what people fantasise about, never fool yourself that your translation can do any justice to the actual mantra syllables.
Now to the nitty gritty:
What’s the wave form of the mantra?
What’s the wave form of the translation?
Are the two wave forms the SAME or are they very different?
If the wave form is not the same, then how will your translation have the same vibrational influence on the body and it’s sheaths which the original mantra has?
You may wish to understand the mantra BUT trust me on this:
The understanding that one gains from simple translations of a mantra into English or otherwise are simply not going to possess the transformative power of the mantra itself.
Mantras transform... they vibrate with a frequency. When you recite it the body and it’s sheaths vibrate with those frequencies.. your understanding is different when you become the mantra.
The mantra is the verbal incarnation of the Deity/Devata.
The final question:
Can you see the Devata?
In this context, in fact, when the mantra becomes stationary inside you, then it’s power manifests automatically as you.
If one can do this then they have become the Devata (as the mantra is the verbal incarnation of the Devata)
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