Another dawn, another day of the left continuing to anchor itself to a dud leader and wondering why they’re still being pulled underwater
Like, I’m sorry, but the suspension of Corbyn is only an “attack” on the left because the left has taken it as one.
I don’t want the left to be “crushed”. I don’t want Labour’s direction to be entirely at the whim of managerial dipshits. It’s depressing to see the faction best poised to be a challenging voice to said dipshits continue to just be completely self-destructive out of stubbornness.
Can’t help but feel FPTP brain is a big problem for Labour as a whole. Instead of coalition-building it’s just constant veering between single faction dominance, and it’s not good for the party or the country.
Do you people, and I mean of all factions here, not get tired of turning every fucking thing into an existential battle for the soul of the party?
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