(*3 types of med beds*)
(*1. (*holographic med bed*)
(*2. (*regenerative med bed*)
(*3. (*Re-Atomization med bed*)
(*these are all the types of med beds the natural way of healing the body*)
(Now on to the details of these quantum therapy med beds) if you already guessed these technologies did not originate on earth having been given to your secret space agencies for the benefit of humanity it was an unfortunate choice that those in charge of making moral decisions)
(decided to keep this technology themselves we are pleased to confirm that this error is now being rectified and the right people are working behind the scenes to ensure the roll out of these technologies to the public at large)
(All three beds work on a quantum level using vibration & frequencies 3d scanners) (they also have a multitude of diagnostic and monitoring technologies that keep the practitioner Informed throughout both diagnostic & repair sessions utilizing tachyon particle & plasma energy)
(the holographic med beds these beds can perform life scans of the body for diagnosis as well as treat any illnesses with much greater accuracy and far less time and with far less invasion to the human vessel these med beds will scan every part of you're body for diagnosis)
(and interpretation including your skin muscles bones organs glands neurological and hormonal efficiency it can also perform a blood analysis a dna analysis which looks for and is able to correct any hereditary markers for certain illnesses providing a quick & painless)
(painless analysis of the entire physical system any surgery needed will be immediately including appendix heart surgery and c-sections holographic med beds come equipped with such features as airtight see-through operating shield to reduce germs & claustrophobia)
(comfortable limb rests liquid spray anesthetic laser scalpels laser mirrors vital signs sensory & display diagnostic & analysis identification & computer controlled surgical arms these med beds are built with a very advanced but strictly limited artificial intelligence that)
needs human connection to work as a precautionary measure that ensures cooperative coexistence the computer used to operate is very similar to an MRI machine however instead of the magnetic and radiation these med beds use plasmatic energy to work with you on a subatomic &
vibrational level since this I's a vibrational universe and you are a vibrational being this is a very homeopathic approach to healing which offers multiple benefits with lil no side effects other than shock amazement and delight no more long waiting times no more endless
testing or trying medicines that don't work say goodbye to chemotherapy and say goodbye too people dying from stroke & heart disease)
(med bed number two the regeneration bed these beds will prove especially useful for anyone in need of an organ transplant organ replacement missing or severed limbs & skin graft for third degree burns using similar technology to the first beds we mentioned these beds focus on
(working directly with your dna templates using a harmonic resonance field this is still present within your body's cellular memory as many of you know your body hold a cellular memory as is evidenced by your phantom limb syndrome these beds will be able to change the lives of
many people & the applications are endless this is just to get you started off with your entire health care system is about to change & become a health support & rejuvenation system)
(the final med bed is for age & memory regression this before will help people who suffered from traumatic memories PTSD & helped them to release their mind from the the horrific montage of images in their heart from the depths of despair this bed will also help to return you
(to a more youthful appearance & feel tightening skin & muscle tone & improving all of your senses especially in the area of sight sound & taste working with your own dna templates multiple refractory lenses as well as your body's natural internal clock we are able to perform
(these procedures pain-free with the biggest adjustments coming from your mind and heart because you now feel so fabulous again these beds use plasmatic energy not radioactive materials focusing instead on recalibration and regeneration whenever possible this enables you
(the user to return to optimal health in very little time just think what this kind of technology will mean for you for your family your friends all of the children just rescued from the tunnels and for every person suffering needlessly from fixable medical conditions
so get ready Dear ones because you are all about to take this magnificent quantum leap together all countries who have signed on with the Gesara agreement which is up to 205 countries will benefit from this opportunity if this news excites you please share it with others
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