Who else is sick of purity culture and in need of an invigorating bloodbath?
Yes? Then read Laura Thalassa's The Four Horsemen!

Apocalyptic hunks remorselessly decimating humankind? Women who try to fight and fuck them in equal measures? True ETL...đŸ„”đŸ„”đŸ„” https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41831210-pestilence
You just know a series is good when in the first chapter the heroine ambushes the personification of Pestilence, shoots him, douses him in gas and burns him to the bones....and you know it's only going to get better when he takes her hostage to punish her....đŸ„”đŸ”„đŸ–€
And the best thing? The Horsemen don't get soft and repentant after just a tiny bit of human pussy.
Their road to happiness is long and bloody.😈😈😈
Ok, maybe they don't look like it but these guys are true monsters.
As much as I love a scary looking monster I'm also totally fine with hot guys being absolutely awful unrepentant murder machines. Because it's the personality that counts! 👍
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