fine line songs explained: a thread--
golden > abt having found himself; "i'm hopeless, broken." he's not the same w/out said person- but "i know that you're scared because i'm so open." he knows said person is scared, and h is telling them he's open but he's broken w/t the person, and they're golden; he needs them.
watermelon sugar > abt u know wanting someone in that sense (maybe not the same person as golden, he wants this one person just in that sense but whoever golden was abt- he wants them as in deeply, he wants them to love each other?)
adore you > same person as golden. he loves them, and he's saying he knows they're scared + he's open but he's not asking too much, he just wants to love them. they don't have to do anything- just let him adore you
lights up > wanting them to find themselves. kind of like "okay i know who i am, i know i've found myself i know what i want, but do you know who you are? do you actually want me?"
and also saying you can thrive (shine, step into the light, shine so bright sometimes)
cherry > he's not the same w/out them, but they impacted him a lot and he thinks abt them ("there's a piece of you in how i dress")
+ he's jealous they've moved on and are happy ("you are at your best, i'm selfish") but he hasn't.
falling > again self reflection. w/out them he might be "someone [he doesn't] want around" and he needs them, without them he's falling & he knows they're over but he's still trying to accept it; "and it kills me cause i know we're run outta things to say"
"we've run out of things we can say"* lol idk why it posted like that i typed it right? oh well
okay that's it for this thread, im doing tbsl - fine line tomorrow !
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