why when I pressed the #pocforcorpse tag it was mad white latina's pretending to be POC talking bout they white passing but *insert something that isnt a race here* lol. I am convinced many do not know what white passing means or where it came from smh .
Ethnicity,nationality and race be beating yall ass its pathetic at this point. POC cant even lust for a white man with a deep voice(that apparently has a thing for skinny white women) without yall butting in lmfao
Black and Brown people living in the same country as you or your parents does not automatically make you a POC 🤣🤣🤣.Race is a social construct it is not biological its really based on looks. I'm Black because I look Black and same for my mom,my dad,my grandma and my grandfather
And the list goes on lol yall need to get a grip and stop lying (this thread isnt really about corpse but something that bugs me about lying latines in general )
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