Self isolation almost killed me emotionally and mentally. It took time to myself to really understand who I am, own my flaws, to forgive myself, to be honest with me.
I lost relationships that I thought were for life, I closed businesses, I lost confidants, lost money, lost my confidence. I was so alone.

But, with that gave me time to reflect and give birth to new things...
I established new friendships that nourish my soul and were such a support structure, I stopped compromising on things I believed in, I opened new businesses that brought me so much more joy. I am kinder to myself, I am more confident....
So, when you lose people or things you thought were your everything, sometimes just maybe it’s God wanting some alone time with you.

I found a new strength in me. I started telling God my business and never heard it from anyone else....
I found a strength I never thought I had. You see I was extremely emotionally dependent on things and people. Now that those things gone I realized how much of a strong and beautiful woman I am.

I am no longer falling apart when people leave me. I am whole either way.
I do get flashbacks and think maybe I should have done things differently but all of that is gone now. All I can do is focus on the future and nourish what I already have.
So beloved, never be afraid to be alone and start over. You never know what God has in store for you behind those grey clouds of loneliness.

Take time to work on yourself, speak positively about you, love on you and all that every will return back to you ♥️
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