4 sources of income to consider without being an employee.

💰 Selling products
For instance a SaaS.

💰 Offering information
YouTube, eBooks, online courses.

💰 Selling yourself
Freelancing, consulting.

💰 Passive income
Dividends, real-estate, index funds.

💰 Selling products

Use your programming skills to build SaaS products.

This type of income is very uncertain and typically has a very slow start off.

On the other hand, there are almost unlimited gains to collect from launching your own SaaS product.

The potential is huge.
💰 Offering information

Create videos on YouTube, put your Medium articles behind the paywall, or sell ebooks on Gumroad.

This type of income is more easily accessible, and also has a huge potential.

It's also very unreliable and can vary greatly from month to month.
💰 Selling yourself

Selling your skills as a software engineer is probably the most accessible and most reliable form of income you can establish.

On the other hand, selling yourself is a form of "earned income", and is very hard to scale.

You only have 24 hours/day after all.
💰 Passive income

Invest in dividend-paying stocks, real-estate, index funds, etc.

This type of income is both reliable (if done correctly), and has unlimited growth potential.

The con here is, that it takes a lot of time and a lot of money to build up. It takes patience.
Ideally, you want to make a mix of these 4.

At least, that's exactly what I'm working hard on, at the moment 😎

In time, this combination will deliver a steady, reliable, and potentially unlimited flow of income.

But of course, it takes dedication, hard work, and discipline 🔥
You can follow @SimonHoiberg.
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