Hi just wanna speak up for this , some of us buying albums not because we are born rich but bcs we work super hard for it. Ada yang tahan makan for weeks, ada yang kumpul duit berbulan bulan, ada yang buat bisnes sampingan juga to afford the album. We wait until we can afford.
Some of us ada yang minat lama dah but tak beli pun the album sebab we know which to prioritise first, we waited until years sampai betul betul mampu beli baru kami beli. Ada yang kumpul duit beli banyak sekaligus, ada yang kumpul duit sikit sikit then beli sikit sikit.
Patience is the key. If some of us could do it then you can too. But don't feel pressured to buy just because others are buying. Do it at your own pace, if you really wanna buy it with ur own money one day trust me you can achieve that! Slowly but surely 💜
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