Reflections: why should the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) be part of every day practice? (Thread) 1/3:
My background is Social Work, my passion is Human Rights. When I applied for the role of team manager for the MCA DoLS team, I knew that good social work is a human rights based approach. I fully believe that any social worker, occupational therapist, nurse should know how to 2/3
Use the Mental Capacity Act as a tool of empowerment and identify that decisions that they make on behalf of an individual, under 'Best Interests' will have an impact on a person's Human Rights. Liberty Protection Safeguards will be and should be part of everyday practice.3/3
And any student/NQSW or reflective social worker should read @SwcatsR 'Social Work, Cats and Rocket Science' as it brilliantly illustrates why Social Work is Human Rights, and emphasises the point I am trying to make, rather less eloquently than this book.
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