It doesn't sit well with my spirit that y'all have feasts every year when 1 in 4 indigenous homes don't have enough food.
I'm gonna put also put a couple individuals @s on here too bc they deserve appreciation for all that they do
@lilnativeboy has a massive link tree full of places and people in need!! Allen is such a beautiful soul and I have the most admiration for them!! 
the Quileute tribe is asking for donations to move to higher grounds because their village is at risk in a Tsunami zone!!!

Donate & learn more here 
The Alaska Native Women’s Resource Center is a non-profit organization bringing awareness about the crisis in Alaska Native Women in the areas of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking and sex trafficking. 
indigenous people should not have to fight so hard for the rights to OUR land. If you do nothing to help indigenous ppl you are part of the problem.
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