The entire Middle East today is better—by any standard—than most hoped it would be in 2006. Or at any time in the last 100 years, honestly.
*2016. But you know what I mean.
The Obama Bros despised both Israel and the Sunni Muslim monarchies.

They wanted to weaken Israel through diplomatic isolation (which they mistakenly thought would lead to swallowing a bad deal with Palestinians).

They wanted the monarchies replaced by the Muslim Brotherhood.
Obama always wanted to withdraw from the Middle East—but he wanted to blow up US allies on the way out.

Trump rejected this strategy, and helped push the tentative and secret moves in the region between Arabs and Jews into public cooperation.
Needless to say, you’ve got to be a total maniac—or Iran—if you don’t see this as a positive development. It is in the interest of America for its allies to engage in military, diplomatic, financial, and technological cooperation.
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