What's so fucking grating -- to the point of being repulsive -- about all the whining is that it's people of privilege complaining about shit that *plenty* of people in *their own country* have *always had to do*

And was never an emergency then https://twitter.com/ambernoelle/status/1330907362979360771?s=20
All the people who've NEVER gotten to "do Thanksgiving" or "do Christmas"


Because they had seasonal jobs, because they were poor, because they're alone and have no friends and family

You all apparently didn't think that was much of a problem back then
*Other* people not being able to do holidays wasn't a problem worth raising your taxes by 5%, or staying in with that family you love so much instead of going out shopping on Black Friday or to see a movie Christmas Day, or doing anything at all
But *you* not being able to do the holidays like you planned is such a big fucking problem it's worth it to kill hundreds of thousands of people to indulge you

Fuck's sake

Listen to yourselves
All this fucking garbage you have to sit through about the basics of human social psychology, how we crave face-to-face interaction, how "touch starvation" induces anxiety and depression, etc,

Yeah how do you think we discovered that

It's not something that started this year
There have ALWAYS been people living lives of exhaustion, isolation, deprivation, ALL AROUND YOU

And you thought this was a natural phenomenon, just part of life, unavoidable

And you think this is a big problem NOW because it's happening to YOU and to people you know
And you're openly willing to deny reality and deny the laws of nature and tell God you're fine with the deaths of millions of people because YOU CAN'T LIVE THIS WAY, not even for a year -- some of you not even for a month

God fuck you
The City of Omelas runs on leaving the one kid inside the closet because they're supposed to be there so they're used to it and that's okay

If you proposed "Hey how about we all take turns in the closet one day at a time, so it's fair" the city would collapse in a week
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