tw : feminicides

as a lawyer in mexico, i feel like i need to speak out on this.

10 women get killed per day in mexico for being women. the murders were so intense and so repetitive that after years of protests, pacific and non, the congress finally reformed the criminal law ~
~ and added the crime of feminicide to the list.

whats the issue?

well, at least in mexico, criminal law, unlike any other branch of the law, does not accept interpretations nor inferences. meaning, if the conduct does not fit /exactly and literally/ to the description of the ~
~ crime, then for practical effects that crime was not committed. the conduct could fit into another description of another crime, though.

now, whats wrong with the crime of feminicide in mexico? well, it has MANY descriptive requirements for the description to be sufficed. ~
~ tw: graphic description of feminicides from this moment forth, + sexual abuse

for example, for it to be considered a feminicide, you have to prove one of the following:
- that the body was exposed
- the girl was left in communicated
- there was a relationship between the ~
~ perpetrator and the victim
- they were relatives
amongst others.

if you can’t prove, with objective data, that one of these hypothesis happened, you can’t fit the conduct into the crime of feminicide.

and it gets worse from here. there is a principle, in criminal law, ~
~ called ‘non bis inidem’, it translates to ‘no one can be subjected to criminal process for the same conduct twice.’

meaning, if they can’t prove a certain person committed the crime of feminicide, then he walks free because he can’t get convicted for the crime of murder.
i get it’s a bit complicated but i tried to explain as easy as possible how unfair the mexican system is.

the legislative branch ONLY created the crime of feminicide to shut us up, but it’s practically useless. it limits us and makes us even more vulnerable as women.
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