Hi! I am an American who came to Australia for work. I am in Sydney (NSW) a place where there have been ZERO community transmitted cases of Covid 19 in several days. How did this happen? I'm so glad you asked.
I asked an Uber driver about his experience with Covid in the city. He explained that it was tough at first (they fully locked down the city for a couple months) and then once it was under control they began to monitor traveling/implemented a forced quarantine for new entrants.
When I tell you life is normal here, I do not mean like masks everywhere but kind of still feels weird but better than America - I MEAN IT IS NORMAL. When you get to a place you check in (so that they can responsibly contact trace) and then you just...live your fucking life.
I go to brunch. I got my nails done. I am going to see a movie this weekend. And this was all because a) they have a government who cares and b) everyone decided that following rules for a couple of months would be a cool thing to do to ensure they could go back to their lives.
To all the people in the US who are out there ignoring the virus and spreading it because don't care and they want life to feel normal - THAT AIN'T THE WAY TO GET THERE. Follow the rules. Wear a mask to stop the spread. CARE about people. I promise you the reward is ORGASMIC.
And ANOTHER THING - When I got here I spent 14 full days in quarantine. I got tested twice (on day 2 and day 10), both were negative, but I still had to stay in my hotel room the full 14. If you are exposed or think you have been exposed STAY IN YOUR HOUSE FOR 14 DAYS.
I know it sucks, but this whole fucking thing sucks, and this place has gotten it right. If they were releasing people after a negative test on day 2 they would not have it contained in this way. Covid incubates. Stop fucking murdering people cause you're uncomfy inside.
America will never come out the other side like Australia did because the decimation in our country is so much greater than anything experienced here, but if you want to go back to normal - there is a path. And the other side is so beautiful.
You can follow @JennKaytin.
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