I have deleted several draft about being at the occupation of Hamilton City Hall today. The specter of “professionalism” still makes me nervous. But I believe deeply in what @DefundHPS has done today. They have safely and peaceful occupied City Hall, demanding a 50% reduction...
in police budget, and a real solution to the housing crisis in Hamilton. Most of the day was joyful! I danced at a distance with fellow protestors, I met #DesmondCole, and I stood alongside new and old friends against injustice. I also watched a peaceful protestor be cuffed...
and taken away for no reason that I could see. We were told we were all getting tickets for gathering in numbers greater than 25, then the cops aggressively approached us and put their hands on someone. When he told them not to touch him, he was arrested and whisked away.
The escalation was unwarranted, and in my opinion embarrassing for HPS. I took a video on Instagram live but sadly I didn’t hit save, but those who were there can attend to the ridiculousness of the arrest.

A large proportion of my patients are precariously housed in Hamilton.
We need accessible, affordable, permanent housing NOW. This housing crisis is a public health crisis. What is left of #ODSP after rent is not enough to live on at all, let alone live a healthy, joyful life. Everyone deserves a healthy, joyful life, regardless of their ability...
or desire to labour under capitalism.

It DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY. I imagine a world, a Hamilton, in which people can breath easy that they have a roof, food on the table, medications paid for, and the ability to enjoy their lives. THAT is when we would see the real beauty...
of people - when they aren’t scrambling to survive.

The police exist to enact the norms of capitalism, and maintain division amongst the poor and the middle class. Surveillance of the unhoused should not be our priority. Building community and capacity should be our priority.
Police don’t protect us, WE PROTECT US. I believe that we can build a better Hamilton and a better world. I have so much gratitude and respect to those sleeping outside of City Hall tonight. See you tomorrow.
#DefundThePolice #BLM
Oh ya! And I was so insanely proud of @Nisha_Kansal when she spoke at the rally! To have brilliant medical minds like hers on the team is invaluable. We can do this.
You can follow @SKHughesMD.
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