Do you want to run reproducible, bug-free simulations of genetic datasets from published demographic models? Then you need to know about stdpopsim! The PopSim Consortium is hosting an Asia-Pacific-friendly workshop, led by me, on Dec 11th. Details below: (1/n)
Briefly, stdpopsim is a standardised library for population genetic simulations. Using a simple command-line interface, you can generate sample chromosomes from a range of model organisms using recombination maps, demographic models and genomic contigs of your choice. (2/n)
Under the hood, stdpopsim relies on the powerful msprime and SLiM 3 simulation engines to generate datasets in an efficient tree sequence format. But don't worry -- you don't need to know about msprime, SLiM or tree sequences to start working with stdpopsim! (3/n)
(If you live in another timezone, you may be interested in one of the other workshops -- see here) (5/n)
Currently, stdpopsim supports models for Arabidopsis thaliana 🌾, Canis familiaris 🐕, Drosophila melanogaster 🪰, E. coli 🦠, Homo sapiens 💃 and Pongo abelii 🦧. However, we are working hard to get more organisms (and models) into the library! (6/n)
This is where *you* can help us: the range of species and models covered by stdpopsim is part of what keeps it useful and relevant. We’d *love* to have more input from folks in the Asia-Pacific region about the organisms and demographic models that are of interest to you. (7/n)
You can follow @GeorgiaTsambos.
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