Gimme more non-lethal ends to encounters with just as much loot / rewards
Fought bandits? They ran away and dropped equipment.
Fought a creature, maybe it offers them a place to stay, companionship, pieces of the creature came off to sell as loot
Information is an AMAZING resource and sparing people can be what leads to that. It also generates a reputation.
It's one thing to be the party that took out a bandit camp.
It's ANOTHER for those bandits to spread the legend of how the adventuring party "fought like dragons'
So another personal challenge if you're up for it GMs. When a party finishes a combat encounter, any enemy reduced to 0hp you can say "drops" and then ask when combat is over if they actually "end" the targets (or ask during combat if someone drops if you'd wanna set the pace)
We spared a group of Goblins in my Rime campaign and got a sidekick and favor from the goblin group in future. We spared some Kobolds after a fight and now they work as hired workers in our tavern!
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